发布时间:2004-09-19 来源:研究生院


课程编号 | 课程中文名称 | 课程英文名称 | 学时 | 学分

080104MB01 | 高等数理方法 | Advanced Mathematical Method | 80 | 4

080104MB02 | 弹塑性力学 | Elastic-Plastic Mechanics | 80 | 4

080104MB03 | 板壳理论 | Theory of Plate and Shell  | 80 | 4

080104MC01 | 高等工程力学 | Advanced Engineering Mechanics | 60 | 3

080104MC02 | 板壳非线性力学 | Nonlinear Mechanics of Plate and Shell | 60 | 3

080104MC03 | 复合材料结构力学 | Structural Mechanics  of  Composite  Material  | 60 | 3

080104MC04 | 弹性元件的理论及设计 | Theory and Design of Elastic Element | 60  | 3

080104MC05 | 非线性振动 | Nonlinear Vibration | 60 | 3

080104MC06 | 高等土力学 | Advanced Soil Mechanics | 60 | 3

080104MC07 | 分析力学 | Analytic Mechanics | 60 | 3

080104MC08 | 随机振动 | Random Vibration | 60 | 3

080104MC09 | 数值分析 | Numerical Analysis | 60 | 3

080104MC10 | 基础工程计算与分析 | Calculation and Analysis of Founda tion Engineering | 60 | 3

080104MC11 | 结构动力学 | Structural Dynamics | 60 | 3

080104MC12 | 实验力学 | Laboratory Mechanics | 40 | 2

080104MC13 | 损伤与断裂 | Damage and Fracture | 40 | 2

080104MC14 | 小波分析 | Wavelet Analysis | 40 | 2

080104MC15 | 有限元与边界元分析方法 | Analytical Method of Finite Element  and Boundary Element | 40 | 2

080104MC16 | 最优化设计方法 | Optimal Design Method | 40 | 2

080103BE01 | 弹性力学 | Elastic Mechanics | 40

080103BE02 | 高层建筑基础 | Tall Building Foundation | 40

080103BE03 | 动力学 | Dynanics | 40

080103BE04 | 土的本构关系 | Soil Constitutive Relation | 40

081001MB01 | 数学建模 | Mathematical Modeling | 60 | 3

081001MB02 | 现代通信理论与技术 | Emerging Communications Theory and Technology | 60 | 3

081001MB03 | 数字信号处理 | Digital Signal Processing | 60 | 3

081001MB04 | 网络理论与多媒体技术 | Multi-media and Network Technology | 60 | 3

081001MB05 | 医用电子学 | Electronics for Medicine | 60 | 3 081001MB06 | 光纤通信系统 | Optical Fiber Communications System | 60 | 3

081001MB07 | 计算微电子学 | Computational Microelectronics | 60 | 3

081001MB08 | 集成电路材料和系统电子学 | Material and System Electronics for In tegrated Circuits | 60 | 3

081001MC01 | 网络集成与大型数据库 | Computer Network Integrating Technology an d Large-scale Database | 60 | 3

081001MC02 | 现代数字系统 | Modern Digital System | 60 | 3

081001MC03 | 微机应用系统设计 | Microcomputer Application Design | 60 | 3

081001MC04 | 计算机网络新技术 | Modern Computer Network  Technologies | 60 | 3

081001MC05 | 网络信息系统 | Network Information System | 60 | 3

081001MC06 | 图像传输与处理 | Image Transmission and Processing | 60 | 3

081001MC07 | 图像编码理论 | Theory of Image Coding  | 60 | 3 081001MC08 | 数字图像处理 | Digital Image Processing  | 60 | 3

081001MC09 | 遥感技术 | Remote Sensing Techniques | 60 | 3

081001MC10 | 虚拟仪器系统设计 | Design of Virtual Instrument System | 60  | 3

081001MC11 | 生物医学信号处理技术 | Signal Processing for Biology and Medicine  | 60 | 3

081001MC12 | 光纤光学 | Fiber Optics | 60 | 3

081001MC13 | VLSI的EDA技术 | EDA Techniques for VLSI | 60 | 3

081001MC14 | 电子系统的ASIC技术 | ASIC Design Technologies | 30 | 3

081001MC15 | VLSI技术与检测方法 | VLSI Techniques & Its Examination | 60 | 3

081001MC16 | 专题阅读或专题研究 | The Special Subject Study | 40 | 2

081001MC17 | 信息论 | Information Theory | 60 | 3 081001BE01 | 信号与系统 | Signal & System | 60 |

081001BE02 | 半导体物理学 | Semiconductor Physics | 60 |

081001BE03 | 通信原理 | Principle of Communication | 60 |

081202MB01 | 现代数理逻辑 | Modern Mathematical Logic | 60 | 3

081202MB02 | 算法分析与设计 | Analysis and Design of Algorithms | 60 | 3

081202MB03 | 高级计算机网络 | Advanced Computer Networks | 60 | 3

081202MB04 | 高级软件工程 | Advanced Software Engineering | 60 | 3

081202MB05 | 数字图像处理 | Digital Image Processing  | 60 | 3

081202MB06 | 知识工程原理 | Principles  of Knowledge Engineering  | 60 | 3

081202MC01 | 面向对象程序设计 | Object-Oriented Programming | 60 | 3

081202MC02 | 形式语言与自动机 | Formal Languages and Automata  | 60 | 3

081202MC03 | 人工智能程序设计 | Artificial Intelligence Programming  | 60 |  3

081202MC04 | 软件质量与测试 | Software Quality and Testing  | 60 | 3

081202MC05 | 大型数据库原理与高级开发技术 | Principles of Large-Scale Data-Bas e and Advanced Development Technology | 60 | 3

081202MC06 | 自然智能与人工智能 | Natural Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence | 60 | 3

081202MC07 | Unix操作系统分析 | Analysis  of Unix System   | 60 | 3

081202MC08 | 计算机图形学 | Computer Graphics | 60 | 3

081202MC09 | Internet与Intranet技术 | Internet and Intranet Technology | 60〖 〗3

081202MC10 | 多媒体技术 | Multimedia Technology | 60 | 3

081202MC11 | 数据仓库技术与联机分析处理 | Data Warehouse and OLAP | 60 | 3

081202MC12 | 程序设计方法学 | Methodology of Programming | 60 | 3

081202MC13 | 计算机信息保密与安全 | Secrecy and Security of Computer Information | 60 | 3

081202MC14 | 电子商务 | Electronic Commerce | 60 | 3

081202MC15 | 分布式系统与分布式处理 | Distributed Systems and Distributed Processing  | 60 | 3

081202MC16 | 并行处理与并行程序设计 | Parallel Processing and Parallel Programming  | 60 | 3

081202MC17 | 模糊信息处理技术 | Fuzzy Information Processing Technology | 60  | 2

081202MC18 | 人工神经网络及应用 | Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications  | 60 | 2

081202MC19 | Unix编程环境 | Unix Programming Environment | 60 | 2

081202MC20 | 计算机视觉 | Computer Vision  | 60 | 3

081202MC21 | 高级管理信息系统 | Advanced Management Information Systems | 60  | 3

081202MC22 | 信息系统综合集成理论及方法 | Theory and Methodology of Information n System Integration  | 60 | 3

081202MC23 | 计算机科学研究新进展 | Advances in Computer Science  | 40 | 2

081202BE01 | 离散数学 | Discrete Mathematics | 60

081202BE02 | 操作系统 | Operating System | 60

081202BE03 | 数据库原理 | Principles of Database | 60

081202BE04 | 编译原理 | Principles of Compiler | 60

081202BE05 | 程序设计语言 | Programming Language | 60

081202BE06 | 数据结构 | Data Structure | 60

081203MB01 | 计算机科学中的逻辑学 |  Logic in Computer Science  | 60 | 3

081203MB02 | 面向对象系统分析与设计 | Object-Oriented System Analysis and Design | 60 | 3

081203MB03 | 高等数值分析 | Advanced  Numeric Analysis | 60 | 3

081203MB04 | 人工智能技术 | Artificial Intelligence Technology | 60 | 3

081203MC01 | 软计算理论及应用 | Theory and Application of Soft-Computing | 60  | 3

081203MC02 | 逻辑程序设计与专家系统 | Logic Programming and Expert Systems |  60 | 3

081203MC03 | 模式识别 | Pattern Recognition  | 60 | 3

081203MC04 | 软件测试技术 | Software Testing Technology  | 60 | 3

081203MC05 | 高级计算机网络与集成技术 | Advanced Computer Networks and Integration Technology  | 60 | 3

081203MC06 | 语音信号处理 | Speech Signal Processing  | 60 | 3

081203MC07 | 系统分析与软件工具 | System Analysis and Software Tools  | 60 | 3

081203MC08 | 计算机仿真 | Computer Simulation | 60 | 3

081203MC09 | 计算机控制 | Computer Control | 60 | 3

081203MC10 | 图像通信技术 | Image Communication Technology | 60 | 3

081203MC11 | 人工神经网络及应用 | Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications  | 60 | 3

081203MC12 | 计算机技术研究新进展 | Advances in Computer Technology | 40 | 2

083001MB01A | 环境生物学 | Environmental Biology | 72 | 3

083001MB02A | 水环境生态学模型 | Models of Water Quality | 72 | 3

083001MB03 | 环境化学 | Environmental Chemistry | 72 | 3

083001MB04 | 环境生物技术 | Environmental Biotechnology | 72 | 3 083001MC01 | 水生生物学 | Aquatic Biology | 54 | 3

071004MB04B |水域生态学 | Aquatic Ecology | 54 | 3 083001MC02 | 环境工程 | Environmental Engineering | 54 | 3

083001MC03 | 环境科学研究方法 | Study Methodology of Environmental Science  | 54 | 2

071004MB02B |   藻类生理生态学 | Ecological Physiology in Algae | 54 | 3

071004MB03B |   水生动物生理生态学 | Physiological Ecology of Aquatic Animal | 54 | 3

083001MC04 | 专业文献综述 | Review on Special Information | 40 | 2

083001MC05 | 废水处理与回用 | Sewage Disposal and Re-use | 54 | 3

083100MB01 | 生物医学材料学及实验 | Biomaterials and Experiments | 90 | 4

083100MB02 | 现代测试分析 | Modern Testing Technology and Methods | 60 | 3

083100MB03 | 生物材料结构与性能 | Structures and Properties of Biomaterials |72 | 4 083100MB04 | 医学物理学 | Medical Physics | 60 | 3  083100MB05 | 激光生物医学 | Laser Biomedical | 60 | 3

083100MB06 | 计算机基础 | Computer Basis | 120 | 4

083100MB07 | 医学信息学 | Medical Informatics | 60 | 3

083100MB08 | 计算机汇编语言 | Computer Assembly Language | 80 | 4 083100MC01 | 学科前沿讲座 | Lectures on Frontiers of the Discipline | 40 | 2

083100MC02 | 组织工程学 | Tissue Engineering | 40 | 2

083100MC03 | 生物医学工程概论 | Introduction to Biomedical Engineering | 40  | 2

083100MC04 | 高等生物化学 | Advanced Biochemistry | 60 | 3

083100MC05 | 光学与统计物理 | Optics and Statistical Physics | 60 | 3

083100MC06 | 图像分析 | Image Treatment | 60 | 3

083100MC07 | 数据处理分析与建模 | Data Analysis and Constituting Model  | 60  | 3

083100MC08 | 高级数据库 | Advanced Database | 60 | 3

083100MC09 | 计算机网络 | Computer Network | 60 | 3 083100MC10 | 多媒体技术 | Technology of Multimedia | 60 | 3

083100MC11 | 软件工程 | Software Engineering | 60 | 3

083100MC12 | 药物化学 | Pharmaceutical Chemistry | 40 | 2

083100MC13 | 功能高分子 | Functional Polymer | 60 | 3

083100MC14 | Internet/Intranet(英) | Internet/Intranet | 60 | 3

083100MC15 | 程序设计方法学 | Methods of Programming Internet/Intranet | 40〖 〗2 083100BE01 | 高分子化学与物理 | Polymeric Chemistry and Physics |

083100BE02 | 医学电子学 | Medical Electronics |

083201MB05 | 现代仪器分析 | Modern Instrumental Analysis | 60 | 3

083201MB01 | 仪器分析实验 | Instrumental Analysis Experiment | 30 | 1

083201MB02 | 食品添加剂 | Food Additives Technology | 60 | 3

083201MB03 | 高级食品化学 | Advanced Food Chemistry | 60 | 3

083201MB04 | 食品酶学 | Food Enzymology | 40 | 2

083201MC01 | 现代科学前沿选论 | Literature on Advances of Modern Science | 40  | 2

083201MC02 | 波谱学 | Spectroscopy | 60 | 3

083201MC03 | 波谱学实验 | Spectroscopic Experiment | 30 | 1

083201MC04 | 食品贮运与包装 | Food Packaging | 60 | 3

083201MC05 | 液晶化学 | Liquid Crystal Chemistry | 60 | 3

070301MB04B   | 高等有机化学 | Advanced Organic Chemistry | 6 0 | 3

083201MC06 | 功能性食品 | Function Foods | 60 | 3

083201MC07 | 食品营养与卫生学 | Food Nutrition and Hygiene | 40 | 2

083201MC08 | 食品生物技术 | Food Biotechnology | 40 | 2

083201MC09 | 食品研究与开发 | Food Research and Development | 40 | 2

083201MC10 | 有机合成化学 | Synthetic Organic Chemistry | 40 | 2

083201MC11 | 食品分离技术 | Food Separation Technique | 40 | 2

083201MC12 | 精细化工装备 | Refinery Chemical Equipment | 40 | 2

083201MC13 | 食品包装原理 | Principle of Food Packaging | 40 | 2

083201MC14 | 表面活性剂化学及应用 | Chemistry and Application of Surfactant | 40 | 2

083201MC15 | 天然产物研究与开发 | Research and Development of Natural Products  | 40 | 2

083201BE01 | 食品工艺学 | Food Technology | 60

083201BE02 | 生物化学 | Biochemistry | 60

083201BE03 | 食品分析 | Food Analysis | 60

083201BE04 | 食品机械与设备 | Food Machinery and Equipment | 60