法学 LAW

发布时间:2004-09-19 来源:研究生院

法学     LAW

  课程编号 | 课程中文名称 | 课程英文名称 | 总学时 | 学分

030107MB01 | 中国经济法 | China's Economic Law | 60 | 3

030107MB02 | 民商法专题 | Topics on Civic & Commercial Law | 60 | 3

030107MB03 | 国际经济法 | International Economic Law | 60 | 3

030107MB04 | 金融法学 | Finance Law | 60 | 2

030107MB05 | 公司、企业法学 | Company & Enterprise Law Studies | 40 | 2

030107MB06 | 市场规制法学 | Laws Governing Market Regulations | 40 | 2

030107MB07 | 涉外经济法学 | Laws  Governing Foreign Economic Relations | 40|2

030107MC01 | 国际私法 | International Private Law | 60 | 3

030107MC02 | 国际法专题研究 | Topics on International Law | 60 | 3

030107MC03 | 港台法律制度 | Legal Systems of HongKong & Taiwan | 40 | 2

030107MC04 | 法理学专题 | Topics on Legal Principles | 40 | 2

030107MC05 | 英美商法 | British & U.S. Commercial Law | 40 | 2

030107MC06 | 罗马法 | Roman Law | 40 | 2

030107MC07 | 英美契约法 | British & U.S. Contract Law | 40 | 2

030107MC08 | 经济分析法学 | Economic Analysis Law | 40 | 2

030206MB01 | 世界经济与政治研究 | Studies of World Economy and Politics  | 60 | 3

030206MB02 | 国际关系理论与实践 | Theory and Practice of International Relations | 60 | 3

030206MB03 | 国际政治经济学 | Political Economy of International Affairs | 60  | 3

30206MB04 | 发展中国家经济与政治 | Economy and Politics in Developing Countries | 60 | 3

30206MB05 | 亚太经济政治与国际关系 | Economy, Politics and International Relations in Asia Pacific Area | 60 |

030206MB06 | 当代世界发展研究 | Contemporary World Development Studies | 60 | 3

030206MB07 | 当代全球性问题研究 | Contemporary Global Problem Studies | 60 | 3

030206MB08 | 当代华侨华人问题研究 | Contemporary Ethnic Chinese Issues Studies | 60 | 3

030206MC01 | 国际公共关系 | International Public Relations | 40 | 2

030206MC02 | 中国外交与侨务 | Chinese Diplomacy and Affairs Concerning Ethnic  Chinese | 40 | 2

030206MC03 | 国际经济政治体制比较 | Comparative Researches on International Economic & Political Structure | 60 | 2

030206MC04 | 东南亚历史与文化 | History and Culture of Southeast Asia | 6 0 | 3

030206MC05 | 东南亚国别研究 | Studies of Southeast Asian Countries | 60 | 3

030206MC06 | 国际法研究 | Studies of International Law | 40 | 2

030206MC07 | 跨国公司研究 | Studies of Transnational Corporation | 40 | 2

030206MC08 | 国际移民问题研究 | Studies of International Immigrants | 60 | 2

030206MC09 | 国际商务研究 | Studies of International Business Affairs | 40 | 2

030206MC10 | 国际安全与防务 | International Security and Defense | 40 | 2

030206MC11 | 中外经济合作 | Economic Cooperation Between China and Foreign Countries | 40 | 2

030206MC12 | 国际文化传播与交流 | International Cultural Dissemination and Communication | 40 | 2

030206MC13 | 社会科学研究方法 | Methodology of Social Sciences | 60 | 2

030206MC14 | 政治学与公共行政研究 | Studies of Politics & Public Administration | 60 | 2

030206MC15 | 当代西方国家研究 | Contemporary Western Countries Studies | 60 | 3

030206MC16 | 国际竞争力研究 | Studies on International Competitive Capacity |60 | 2

030206MC17 | 国际组织与国际制度 | International Organization and International  System | 60 | 2

030206MC18 | 南北关系研究 | Studies on South-North Relations | 40 | 2

030206MC19 | 文明与国际关系 | Civilization and International Relations  | 40 | 2

030206MC20 | 国际问题文献选读(英语授课) | Selected Reading of International Affairs Documents | 60 | 2

030206BE01 | 政治学 | Politics | 40 | 2

030206BE02 | 世界经济与政治 | World Economy & Politics | 40 | 2

030206BE03 | 国际法 | International Law | 40 | 2

030206BE04 | 国际经济学 | International Economics | 40 | 2

030207MB01 | 国际关系案例分析 | Case Studies of International Relations  | 60 | 3

030207MB02 | 国际战略与大国关系 | International Strategy and Relations Among Leading Powers | 60 | 3

030207MB03 | 外交学 | Diplomacy  Studies | 60 | 3