发布时间:2004-09-19 来源:研究生院


  课程编号 | 课程中文名称 | 课程英文名称 | 总学时 | 学分

020101MB01 | 资本论研究 | “Capital” Studies | 120 | 4

020101MB02 | 社会主义经济研究 | Socialist Economy | 60 | 3

020101MB03 | 微观经济学与宏观经济学 | Micro-economics & Macro-economics | 60  | 3

020101MB04 | 经济学说史 | History of Economics | 60 | 3

020101MB05 | 区域经济学 | Reginal Economics | 60 | 3

020101MB06 | 城市经济学 | Civil Economics | 60 | 3

020101MB07 | 房地产经济学 | Real Estate Economics | 60 | 3

020101MB08 | 港澳经济研究 | Study of Hong Kong & Macao Economies | 60 | 3

020101MB09 | 台湾经济研究 | Study of Taiwan Economy | 60 | 3

020101MC01 | 发展经济学 | Development Economics | 40 | 2

020101MC23 | 国际经济学 | International Economics | 40 | 2

020101MC24 | 财政税务研究 | Public Finance Taxation | 40 | 2

020101MC02 | 信息经济学 | Information Economics | 40 | 2

020101MC25 | 计量经济学 | Econometrics | 60 | 3

020101MC03 | 资产评估 | Assets Evaluation | 40 | 2

020101MC04 | 项目可行性研究 | Project Feasibility Studies | 40 | 2

020101MC05 | 房地产经济学 | Real Estate Economics | 60 | 3

020101MC06 | 投资预算学 | Investment Budget Studies | 60 | 3

020101MC26 | 数据处理 | Data Processing | 40 | 2

020101MC16 | 比较经济学 | Comparative Economics | 40 | 2

020101MC17 | 政府经济学 | Governmental Economics | 40 | 2

020101MC18 | 经典著作选读 | Selected Reading of Classical Works | 40 | 2

020101MC19 | 产业组织经济学 | Industrial Organization Economics | 40 | 2

020101MC21 | 农业经济学 | Agricultural Economics | 40 | 2

020101MC22 | 消费经济学 | Consumption Economics | 40 | 2

020101MC27 | 劳动力资源配置 | Allocation of Work Force | 40 | 2

020101MC07 | 国际风险管理与保险 | International Risk Management & Insurance | 40 | 2

020101MC08 | 制度经济学 | Systems Economics | 40 | 2

020101MC09 | 知识经济与组织变革 | Knowledge Economy & Organization Transformat ion | 40 | 2

020101MC10 | 工业化理论 | Theories of Industrialization | 40 | 2

020101MC11 | 城市房地产估价 | Evaluation of Urban Real Estate | 40 | 2

020101MC12 | 城市规划原理 | Principles of Urban Planning | 40 | 2

020101MC13 | 中国大城市地区经济 | Regional Economy of China's Big Cities | 4 0 | 2

020101MC14 | 西方经济学 | Western Economics | 40 | 2

020101MC15 | 国际金融市场研究 | Study of International Finance Market | 40 | 2

020201MB01 | 投资经济研究 | Study of Investment Economy | 60 | 3

020201MB02 | 投资项目决策与管理 | Decision-making & Management of Investment P roject | 60 | 3

020201MC02 | 财政学 | Finance Studies | 40 | 2

020201MC01 | 风险投资研究 | Study of Investment Risks | 40 | 2 

020203MB01 | 中国财政问题研究 | China Public Financial Issues Studies | 60 | 3

020203MB02 | 中国税收问题研究 | China Taxation Issues Studies | 60 | 3

020203MB03 | 中外财税比较研究 | Comparative Studies of Chinese and Fore ign Public Finance and Taxati | 60 | 3

020203MC01 | 西方财政理论研究 | Studies of Western Public Finance Theory | 60  | 3

020203MC02 | 税收管理学 | Taxation Management | 60 | 3

020203MC03 | 税收筹划研究 | Studies of Taxation Planning | 40 | 2

020203MC04 | 财税思想史 | History of Public Finance and Taxation Ideas | 40 | 2

020208MC18B | [HT]西方经济学 | Western Economics | 40 | 2

020203MC05 | 财税电算化研究 | Studies of Computer Application in Public Financ e and Taxation  | 40 | 2

020203MC07 | 当代国际政治体制比较研究 | Comparative Studies of Contemporary Wo rld Political Systems | 60 | 2

020203MC08 | 当代国际贸易问题研究 | Studies of Contemporary Internation al Trade | 60 | 3

020203MC06 | 税收前沿专题讲座 | Lectures on Advances in Taxation | 各10 | 1

020204MB01 | 微观经济学与宏观经济学 | Micro-economics & Macro-economics | 60  | 3

020204MB02A | 货币银行学研究 | Money and Banking Studies |  60 | 3

020204MB03A |   国际金融研究 | International Finance Studies | 60 | 3

020204MB04 | 资本市场与证券投资 | Capital Market & Security Investment | 60 | 3

020204MC01 | 数理经济 | Mathematical Economy | 40 | 2

120201MB02B |   财务管理学 | Financial Management | 40 | 2

020204MC02 | 金融信息管理与电子商务 | Financial Information Management & E-Com merce | 40 | 2

020204MC03 | 财政与税务研究 | Public Finance & Taxation Studies | 40 | 2

020204MC04 | 新制度经济学 | New Institutional Economics | 40 | 2

020204MC05 | 国际金融市场研究 | Study of International Financial Market | 40  | 2

020204MC06 | 商业银行经营管理研究 | Performance and Management of Commercial B anks | 40 | 2

020204MC07 | 国际结算 | International Payments & Settlernents | 40 | 2

020204MC08 | 西方货币理论研究 | Study of Western Monetary Theories | 40 | 2

020204MC09 | 保险学研究 | Insurance Studies | 40 | 2

020204MC10 | 金融工程学 | Financial Engineering | 40 | 2

020204MC11 | 投资银行学 | Investment Banking | 40 | 2

020204MC12 | 国际投资学 | International Investment | 40 | 2

020204MD01 | 风险投资 | Venture Capital | 40 | 2

020204MD02 | 金融前沿专题讲座 | Lectures on Up-to-date Financial Issues | 40  | 2

020205MB01 | 经济学研究 | Economics Research | 60 | 3

020205MB02 | 管理学研究 | Management Research | 40 | 2

020205MB03 | 产业经济学 | Industrial Economics | 40 | 2

020205MB04 | 现实经济问题研究 | Realistic Economics Problems Research  | 40 | 2

020205MC01 | 经济计量学 | Econometrics | 40 | 2

020205MC02 | 发展经济学 | Economics of Development  | 40 | 2

020205MC03 | 管理信息系统 | Management Information System | 40 | 2

020205MC04 | 国际经济学 | International Economics | 40 | 2

020205MC05 | 营销管理 | Marketing Management | 40 | 2

020205MC06 | 生产经营与公司理财 |  Manufacturing Management and Com pany Financing  | 40 | 2

020205MC07 | 生产经营管理 | Production and Operation Management | 40 | 2

020205MC08 | 数理经济学 | Mathematical Economics | 40 | 2

020205MC09 | 财政与金融 | Finance | 40 | 2

020205MC10 | 人力资源管理 | Human Resource Management | 40 | 2

020205MC11 | 系统工程 | System Engineering | 40 | 2

020205MC12 | 国际商法 | International Commercial Law | 40 | 2

020206MB01 | 微观经济学与宏观经济学 | Micro-& Macro-Economics | 60  | 3

020206MB02 | 国际贸易理论与政策 | Theory & Policy of International Trade | 60  | 3

020206MB03 | 世界经济研究 | International Economy Study | 60 | 3

020206MC01 | 中国对外贸易研究 | Study of Chinese Foreign Trade | 40 | 2

020206MC02 | 国际投资与跨国公司研究 | International Investment & Transnation al Corporations Study  | 40 | 2

020206MC03 | 国际商法 | International Business Law | 40 | 2

020206MC04 | 国际贸易实务专题 | Special Topics on International Tr ade Practice  | 40 | 2

020206MC05 | 国际市场研究 | International Market Study | 40 | 2

020209MB01B |   数理经济学 | Mathematical Economics | 40 | 2

020206MC08 | 外贸企业管理研究 | Study of Foreign Trade Enterprise Management  | 40 | 2

020206MC09 | 人力资源开发研究 | Study of Human Resource Development | 40 | 2

020206MC06 | 中国经济问题研究 | Chinese Economic Issues | 40 | 2

020206MC07 | 区域经济研究 | Region Economy Study | 40 | 2

020206MD01 | 电子商务 | E-Commerce | 40 | 2

020208MB01 | 统计学原理研究 | Research on Statistical Principles | 60 | 3

020208MB02 | 高等概率统计 | Advanced Probability Statistics | 60 | 3

020208MB03 | 国民经济核算研究 | Research on National Accounting | 60 | 3

020208MB04 | 经济计量学 | Econometrics | 60 | 3

020208MC01 | 经济预测与决策 | Economic Prediction and Decision | 40 |  2

020208MC02 | 物价与外经贸统计 | Statistics of Price, Foreign Economy and Trade  | 40 | 2

020208MC03 | 宏观经济调控 | Macroeconomic Adjustments and Controls | 40 | 2

020208MC04 | 管理信息系统 | Management Information System | 40 | 2

020208MC05 | 质量工程学 | Quality Engineering | 40 | 2

020208MC06 | 保险精算学 | Insurance Actuarial Science | 60 | 3

020208MC07 | 抽样法 | Sampling Method | 40 | 2

020208MC08 | 多元统计分析 | Multi-Factor Statistics Analysis | 40 | 2

020208MC09 | 时间序列分析 | Time Sequence Analysis | 40 | 2

020208MC10 | 经济博弈论 | Economic Game theory | 60 | 3

020208MC11 | 金融工程学 | Financial Engineering | 60 | 3

020208MC12 | 风险论 | Risk Theory | 60 | 3

020208MC13 | 质量经营与策划 | Quality Management and Decision  | 40 | 2

020208MC18A |   西方经济学 | Western Economic Theories | 60 | 3

020208MC19 | 当代国际贸易研究 | Research on International Trade | 60 | 3

020208MC17 | 国际商法 | International Commerce Law | 40 | 2

020208MC14 | 经济增长理论 | The Theory of Economic Increase | 40 | 2

020208MC15 | 经济波动理论 | The Theory of Economic Waving | 40 | 2

020208MC16 | 发展经济学 | Development Economics | 40 | 2

020208MC20 | 会计与财务管理研究 | Accounting and Finance Management Research | 40 | 2

020209MB01A | 数理经济学 | Mathematical Econcmics | 60 | 3

020209MC01 | 动态经济学 | Dynamic Economics | 60 | 3

020209MC02 | 可计算一般均衡模型 | Calculate General Equilibrium Model | 60  | 3

020209MC03 | 随机过程 | The Course of Random | 40 | 2

020209MC04 | 随机运筹学 | Random Operations Ressearch | 40 | 2

020209MC05 | 非线性经济学 | Non-linear Economics | 40 | 2

020209MC06 | 实验经济学 | Practice Economics | 40 | 2

020209MC07 | 寻租经济学 | Search Hire Economics | 40 | 2