发布时间:2004-09-19 来源:研究生院


 课程编号 | 课程中文名称 | 课程英文名称 | 学时

120201DB01 | 管理理论研究 | Management Theory Studies | 72

120201DB02 | 会计基本理论与方法 | Basic Theories & Approaches of Accounting〖 〗54

120201DB03 | 现代公司会计研究 | Study of Modern Company Accounting | 54

120201DB04 | 资本营运、财务与管理会计理论和方法研究 | Study of Theories & Appr oaches of Capital Operation, Financial Management Accounting | 54

120201DB05 | 现代审计理论与方法研究 | Study of Modern Audit Theories & Approac hes | 54

120201DB06 | 网络会计研究 | Network Accounting Studies | 54

120201DC01 | 经济数量分析方法 | Methods of Economic Quantitative Analysis | 4 0

120201DC02 | 应用统计 | Applied Statistics | 54

120201DC03 | 中国经济问题研究 | Study of China's Economic Issues | 54

120201DC04 | 管理决策 | Management Decision-Making | 54

120201DC05 | 财政与金融 | Finance | 54

120201ME01 | 财务会计学 | Financial Accounting | 60

120201ME02 | 财务管理学 | Financial Management | 60

120201ME03 | 审计学 | Auditing | 60

120202DB01 | 管理理论与实践 | Management Theory & Practice | 54

120202DB02 | 人力资源管理研究方法 | Study Methods of Human Resource Management  | 54

120202DB03 | 组织行为理论 | Organizational Behavior Theory | 54

120202DB04 | 管理决策 | Management Decisions | 54

120202DB06 | 企业管理理论与实务 | Theory & Practice of Business Management |  54

120202DB05 | 财务理论与方法 | Finance Theory & Methods | 54

120202DB07 | 资本运营与财务管理研究 | Capital Operation and Financial Management Research | 54

120202DB08 | 比较管理学 | Comparative Management | 54

120202DB09 | 跨文化管理学 | Cross-Cultural Management | 54

120202DC01 | 应用统计 | Applied Statistics | 54

120202ME01 | 管理学研究 | Management Research |

120202ME02 | 管理经济学 | Managerial Economics |