发布时间:2004-09-19 来源:研究生院


 课程编号 | 课程中文名称 | 课程英文名称 | 学时

050101DB01 | 比较诗学 | Comparative Poetics | 80

050101DB02 | 中外文论 | Chinese and Western Literature Theories | 80

050101DB03 | 译介学 | Medio-Translatology | 80

050101DB04 | 文艺学专题研究 | Special Study of Literature Theory | 60

050101DB05 | 文艺美学 | Aesthetics of Literature and Art | 60

050101DB06 | 文学与文化 | Literature and Culture | 60

050101DB07 | 中国古典美学研究 | Study of Chinese Classical Aesthetics | 60

050101DB08 | 现代汉语诗学 | Modern Chinese Poetics | 60

050101DC01 | 海外华人文学研究 | Study of Overseas Chinese Literature | 60

050101DD01 | 美术理论 | Theory of Fine Art | 40

050101DD02 | 美术史 | History of Fine Art | 40

050101ME01 | 中国古代文论 | Ancient Chinese Literary Theories

050101ME02 | 西方文论 | Western Literary Theories

050101ME03 | 比较文学研究 | Study of Comparative Literature

050103DB01 | 汉语方言调查 | Survey of Chinese Dialects | 80

050103DB02 | 汉语方言研究 | Studies of Chinese Dialects | 80

050103DB03 | 现代汉语语法研究 | Studies of Modern Chinese Grammar | 80

050103DB04 | 汉语语法史 | History of Chinese Grammar | 60

050103DB05 | 汉语词汇学 | Chinese Lexicology | 80

050103DB06 | 语义学 | Semantics | 60

050103DB07 | 训诂学史 | History of Chinese Traditional   Semantics | 80

050103DB08 | 音韵学史 | History of Chinese Phonology | 60

050103DB09 | 中国语言文学与文化 | Chinese Languages, Literatures and Cultures  | 80

050103DC01 | 汉语音韵学 | Chinese  Phonology | 60

050103DC02 | 汉语方言学专书选读 | Selected Reading of Chinese Dialectology |  60

050103DC03 | 汉语语法学名著选读 | Selected Reading of Chinese Grammar | 60

050103DC04 | 汉语史名著选读 | Selected Reading of Chinese History | 60

050103DC05 | 文化语言学 | Cultural Linguistics | 60

050103DC06 | 社会语言学 | Sociolinguistics | 60

050103DC07 | 文献学 | Bibliography | 60

050103ME01 | 国际音标的应用 | Application of International Phonetic Alphabet | 60

050103ME02 | 汉语方言概要 | Outline of Chinese Dialects | 60